Thursday, December 27, 2012

NAT on ASA 8.4 - Static NAT with port translation

Imagine when you have dmz zone with multiple servers, each server runs a service and you have only one public IP address. Now you want to share that IP address to all services running in dmz zone. In this case, you should use the NAT rules use the same address but with different ports.
In above figure, single IP address used to share two services running on 2 separate servers in dmz zone. It requires that, when have a ftp connection to, the request will be directed to ftp server on, and when a ssh connection to the same public address, request will be redirected to ssh server on


2 objects for servers in dmz zone:
ASA84(config)# show run object
object network SSH-SERVER
object network FTP-SERVER
 nat command for each object
ASA84(config)# show run nat
object network SSH-SERVER
 nat (dmz,outside) static service tcp ssh ssh
object network FTP-SERVER
 nat (dmz,outside) static service tcp ftp ftp
access list for particular connection
ASA84(config)# show run access-li
access-list ALLOW-INTERNET-DMZ extended permit tcp any object SSH-SERVER eq ssh
access-list ALLOW-INTERNET-DMZ extended permit tcp any object FTP-SERVER eq ftp
access-group to interface
ASA84(config)# show run access-group
access-group ALLOW-INTERNET-DMZ in interface outside
SSH connection from INTERNET host to

 FTP connection from INTERNET to

You can see here: 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,1,10,288,222). Funny stuff, hah? ;-)

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